Hi All
As I build a fanless Power Supply for my d8b console (no CPU/noPSU) and several user asked me how I did that I want to make an own Topic here to cover this changes.
My solution is ONLY without CPU as I do not have one.
As I'm very Business with the probox at the Moment please accept that it will take a little time till I respond.
A detailed description will follow, but before I want to raise a call to everybody that owns a d8B CPU/PSU and is a Little familiar with electronics.
My question:
can anybody check, which supplies in the PSU are fanless ?
I'm pretty sure that the 48V and +/-16V Supplies are fanless (If yes, the biggest part is won). These are critical to Audio.
Maybe also the 5V supply for the console (not for the CPU) is also fanless ? If yes, then BINGO. It will be easy to get the d8b fanless if you can skip the CPU and Audio functions and use it only as Controller. In this case you only Need to build in a fanless 12V switching power supply (about 30 Dollars) and you run fanless.
Maybe somebody can check that