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D8B Booting Partially

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Re: D8B Booting Partially

Postby csp » Sun Feb 23, 2025 11:26 pm


You have definitely been quite busy and with very positive results.

Keep us posted as time goes by on how things are going and don't be affraid to help other forum posters as needed, because after all that you have done even if you might not currently realise it but you will have gained much knowledge on the desk and its problems and fixes. I know that in my case, even though I have owned my desk since not long after it was released (20+ yrs), I have learnt far more over the past couple of years since getting the dontaed desk, then had I previously known.

Enjoy the desk and the making of million seller songs !!!!!!!

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Re: D8B Booting Partially

Postby markd » Wed Mar 05, 2025 6:21 am

David, thanks for the help and encouragement. I am now finishing off my home studio installation of the D8B into a home-built console including TRS Patch Panel. I had a situation when testing the D8B where the audio was present in each channel I plugged a mic in to, but not at the outputs. I realized that when I ran my cabling to each socket on the D8B rear to my new Patch Panel, inserting TRS Jacks into the channel "INSERT" connectors without having any other equipment plugged in, cuts off the audio as the switching inside the D8B sockets works that way. To get around this issue, I am thinking that I need to have a shorting plug at the end of each INSERT chain (TIP to RING) to emulate outboard effect equipment. I want to keep all the INSERTS plugged in to the D8B and the Patch Panel (thereby disconnecting each channel audio), even with no external devices connected to the INSERT Patch connections, and only connect external equipment via the front of the Patch bay.

I am finding the more I exercise the faders, the freer they seem to become. I am thinking of trying Galloping Faders on the console to test this out. Not sure what I need to do for this - what do you think of this idea?
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Re: D8B Booting Partially

Postby csp » Wed Mar 05, 2025 2:31 pm


Just taking a break from cyclone preperation that is due to hit within the next 24hrs !!!

Galloping Faders I haven't tried but if you mean Frollicking Faders (guessing Galloping will be the same), and I haven't done it for quite some time, but all that I did was to load the program and choose it as the song and make sure that you have the Automation turned on then I simply played any song on the HD24 (HDR should br the same) and the program acted as if it was playing the automation as it it had been applied to that song.

I trust that makes some form of sense as i am currently running on fumes after the day's sand bagging, pot plant and outdoor furniture shifting, etc !!!!!

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Re: D8B Booting Partially

Postby markd » Thu Mar 06, 2025 1:39 am


I hope you do OK in TC Alfred this week.

Yes I think it was Frolicking Faders as you said. I do not have an HD24, I intend recording on to a desktop PC which I have not connected up yet. Do you have a link to "load the program" from? I will be trying to get the D8B to interface to the DAW PC this weekend using 3 x optical connections and an M-Audio Lightbridge Profire interface.

What were your thoughts on dealing with the D8B INSERTs and the Patch Panel raised in my last post?

Good luck with the cyclone and take care.

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Re: D8B Booting Partially

Postby csp » Fri Mar 07, 2025 2:02 am


Thank for the thoughts, but hopefully we will be OK as out property is probably about 90mtrs above sea level and our home is sandstone brick and the framing is case hardened, extra thick and fully welded steel framing, it was designed to withstand a category 5 cyclone and this one is only a category 2 --- possibly rising to a 3 as it crosses the coast. The avatar photo it taken from the patio outside the kitchen and looking towards the ocean, so it gives an idea of our height above sea level.

Re the Frollicking Faders program, it is on the Database in the "Automation Motivation" section (second item). I have no idea how it will go with a PC based program as it was written mainly for the Mackie HDR machine, BUT I am guessing that it should work with anything that has a time code that is counting.

Post if it works and what you had to do to make it work as there are others who could find it interesting. I used it as a BS type factor a number of years ago when I was showing new/prospective clients the control room and especially the desk as clients were accostomed to seeing analogue consoles that were covered in knobs, faders and buttons, etc, NOT a console with basically only a row of faders and a couple of rows of knobs, with the last part of the demo knocking them out when they saw what was showing on the screen (I wont say what they say but it is definitely very impressive and something you don't see on an analogue desk !!!!!).

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Re: D8B Booting Partially

Postby Phil.c » Fri Mar 07, 2025 10:37 am

If you just need to excersise yout faders, why not set up automation by moving them all randomly, no need to set them to any rythme or tune and then just loop everything, does the same job without the time spent getting frollicking faders to work!
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