by sverred » Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:56 am
This is really interesting, in many ways. I had an argument with the guys at work about this some weeks ago, and what we concluded was:
1. Even though Behringer have a tradition making crap hardware and crap analouge mixers, that doesn't matter much now, as long as this mixer will be digital. As long as they include good preamps and converters, most of the digital signal will be data calculated, and it's not more expencive making good software. Behringer can actually make just as good software as any others, we wouldn't know, because it is not the same guys that does it as the ones that mede those shitty hardware things. The reason Behringer is so cheap is because of their cost efficiency poletics, where everything is compiled by the cheapest parts possible. Therefore, Behringer, with their wall mart prices, have delivered the weakest hardware available. Now, when they don't have to focus 100% on buying the cheapest components to make the cheapest product out there, they have the ability to make really good mixers if they just upgrade their hardware some steps.
2. This is what makes this interresting: I guess this mixer, with its price, first and foremost will be in competition with Allen & Heath's iLive series, Soundcraft's Si-series and other mixeres in that pricerange (way over Behringers estimated price). Those mixers are ment for the semi-professionals, and we all know what those guys really look for: The cheap things... So, how will this release affect the price on the other mixers?